Legal Marijuana is a Good Thing vs. Legal Pot Use - Bad - Errodes Society
"The Mile High city has taken on a whole new meaning with the economic evolution of pot bakeries and the legality of marijuana. 420 has attracted a wide array of people but the question is, is the legalization of Weed good or bad? "
Forced Sterilization is a Great Idea vs. Too Much Government Control. NO!
"There is currently a petition to help pass legislation that forces mothers with multiple drug offenses to have their tubes tied (Laparoscopy) to prevent the conception and birth of drug babies. Good idea or too much power to the Government? "
Viagra Should be Provided to Teachers vs. Viagra is a Luxury Pill, Do Not Fund.
"A Milwaukee Teachers union is suing to have Viagra provided as a part of the medication package as it once was at a cost of $786,000 per year. All while the district laid off ”…482 teachers in June, but recalled 89 of them last month.” "
Aspartame - Diet Soda Additive vs. Splenda - Artificial Sweetener
"Which one of the zero calorie chemicals are worse for your health? Apartame (In Diet Coke & Pepsi) or Splenda? "
Our Health and Well Being vs. Profits - Not Curing but Maintaining
"Pharmaceutical Companies: Are they concerned with curing and helping or profiting and addicting? Watch both Videos. "
"Completely Hypothetical. If forced to choose one vice would you be a smoker or alcoholic? "