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The Boss Wrote on: 8/26/23 @ 8:25 PM
Pretty comical looking back at Facebook immediately censoring this documentary only for it to be proven as accurate information.
Posted in Plandemic is Credible vs. Just another Conspiracy Theory - (0 Responses)
Longboi Wrote on: 10/27/22 @ 10:59 AM
Posted in Edgar Allen Poe vs. Dr. Seuss - (0 Responses)
The Boss Wrote on: 5/9/20 @ 10:02 PM
I'm sure it will get pulled by YouTube but here it is.
Posted in Plandemic is Credible vs. Just another Conspiracy Theory - (0 Responses)
Jeni Lynn Wrote on: 5/4/20 @ 1:56 PM
The negative unintended consequences of this lock down are going to be rippling through society for years to come. This, I believe, will be the first of many lock downs if we don't start pushing back. American's need to just go back to life as they see fit. I you want to stay home and close your ...
Posted in Covid-19 - Justified Response vs. Corona Virus Blown out of Proportion - (0 Responses)
mama kaz Wrote on: 5/4/20 @ 11:31 AM
Comey lies whenever his mouth is open. I'll bet he lies in his sleep.
Posted in FBI Director James Comey is Lying vs. President Donald Trump is Lying - (0 Responses)
mama kaz Wrote on: 5/4/20 @ 11:30 AM

Posted in FBI Director James Comey is Lying vs. President Donald Trump is Lying - (0 Responses)
mama kaz Wrote on: 5/4/20 @ 11:29 AM
If democrats weren't so worried about losing the election they wouldn't have wasted so much time trying to get rid of Trump. I believe republicans will sweep everything and there will be a shortage of Snicker bars in November because democrats will need some serious calming down. I will be stocking ...
Posted in Democrats will Dominate vs. GOP - Republicans will Perform - (0 Responses)
mama kaz Wrote on: 5/4/20 @ 11:22 AM
100% blown out of proportion. According to my age I'm elderly even though I hate that word and do not "identify" as such and have health issues. I am 100,000 times more concerned about the impact on our country than I am with this virus that has an approximate 99.58 survival rate. I've noticed thr ...
Posted in Covid-19 - Justified Response vs. Corona Virus Blown out of Proportion - (0 Responses)
The Boss Wrote on: 5/4/20 @ 10:22 AM
Definitely blown out of proportion. The focus should be the elderly and immune-compromised. Meaning, they should be isolated and protected but we cannot continue to sacrifice our economy for the sake of a virus with a death rate likely below 2%. We had a prison outbreak in Tennessee where something ...
Posted in Covid-19 - Justified Response vs. Corona Virus Blown out of Proportion - (0 Responses)
cutie122403 Wrote on: 5/4/20 @ 9:56 AM
It has been completely blown out of proportion.
Posted in Covid-19 - Justified Response vs. Corona Virus Blown out of Proportion - (0 Responses)