John Lennon

Rivalry Side A | Entertainment | Music

Paul McCartney

Rivalry Side B | Entertainment | Music

Are you a Beatle Fanatic? Of course we love the Beatles, but who among them do you really like? Here are the 2 most popular members of the British band, YOU DECIDE...


Posted by in Entertainment / Music on 12/12/08
Debate Leaders
  1. Angel (2 votes)

Side A fans: (9)

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Side A Comment

Olivia Newton - 1/2/09 @ 12:27 PM:
John Lennon was always the heart and soul of the Beatles, in my opinion.

Side B Comment

Jeff - 12/25/08 @ 9:37 AM:
Ringo is my fave but I went with Paul cause John kinda went out there if you know what I mean.

Side A Comment

Milky - 12/16/08 @ 8:58 PM:
I really like both Paul and John, but i would have to say that John Lennon would be my favorite.

Side B Comment

mama kaz - 12/15/08 @ 10:12 AM:
I loved the Beatles and remember the night they were on Ed Sullivan. My dad kept calling them beatniks because of their "long hair.' I fell for Paul that night!! He's so much more outgoing and upbeat than the other guys so I think it made him stand out more. I loved David Archuleta too.

Side A Comment

Angel - 12/12/08 @ 11:22 PM:
I like all of his music... Especially Woman and Imagine. It inspires me a lot...
The Boss - 12/13/08 @ 5:01 AM: Rival | Side B
Definitely a couple of great songs. It might harm my credibility but I actually enjoyed David Archuleta performing Imagine on American Idol. Did you get to see that performance?

Side B Comment

The Boss - 12/12/08 @ 4:38 AM:
This is a tough one. I don't know a great deal about either Beatle but Paul seems like he was/is more down to earth and friendly. However, I have been to Strawberry Fields and from what I do know about Lennon is that he worked towards a lot of positive things.

Side B Comment

krissybee14 - 12/12/08 @ 12:48 AM:
I love the two of them, but my most favorite is Paul McCartney... I love his voice and I love the way he loved his wife Linda...:)
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