"Disagreeing has never been so much fun!"
El Capitan wrote on 12/05/09
Mom, I'm testing the email notification system from a basic account. Please let me know if you receive an email notifying you about this comment. Thanks. *lil_smarty* wrote on 7/04/09
hey grandma i kinda beat u to making the scorpian and spider thing lol *lil_smarty* wrote on 5/10/09
hey grandma its hannah i made 2 new rivalries its breaking dawn and twilight and elfen(ehl-fehn) lied(lead) The Boss wrote on 7/30/08
Welcome mom! It's official, JealousBrother.com is so easy even an idiot can do it. lol Love You. mama kaz wrote on 7/30/08
Can you believe I did this all by myself ? We need to do something fun...Say something... |