I see every day at our salon how many customers don't wash their hands in the bathroom. I now wait and wash my hands in the hallway sink AFTER touching the dirty bathroom doorknob instead of washing my hands in the bathroom. Otherwise, I'd have their germs back on my hands just trying to get out of the bathroom. People are gross but we've survived this long, as amzing as that may seem.
Yes we should all wash our hands after using the toilet. However, this germ phobia thing is not good. We all need some bacteria in order to maintain health. We're creating super bacteria with all this sanitizing. So everybody go out and get a little dirty today!
100% agree with that. Strong immune systems are built by exposure, being to clean can leave your body ILL-prepaired for a sickness that would otherwise bareley phase you.
Oh man, I HATE seeing someone pass by the sink and not wash their hands. Many a times I've shook someone's hand at work, and the second they leave I grab the sanitizer. lol.
I agree but If I had a dollar for every time someone left without washing their hands I'd be a wealthy man. Actually it happened tonight at the Madisonville Wal-Mart. There is something very unsettling about shaking peoples hands when you consider they very well might have bypassed the soap and sink.
I lather up and wash after every trip to any restroom. 5-10 sec. in contact with lather will kill a lot of germs (E-coli).
I've heard singing one verse of Happy birthday while lathering wil suffice.
I do use the alcohol sanitizer in between.The germiest thing is not the toilet handle but your hands & your own underwear (should wash in hot water+bleach).
It blows my mind how many people use the restroom and knowing someone else is in there still proceed to bypass the sink after handling their junk. Come on people, WASH YOUR HANDS!