Well, I am not pregnant, obviously (at my age)and so my comments about that are moot. Hey, Cutie, congratulations!!! In your case if you are not comfortable with your doctor, definitely find someone else. Ask friends who have had babies and check out their recommendations. It's so very important to be able to establish a relationship with your doctor at this time, someone you trust implicitly, and someone you can talk to openly. This is such an important event!!
In my case, I'd just like to say that...for the first time.....I was turned down by a doctor yesterday because he no longer takes Medicare patients. Bummer!
I think we all knew this was coming, but just didn't know when. The government has cut Medicare funds to the quick, and this particular doctor is actually losing money with older patients (who are forced to use Medicare when they reach the age of 65, whether they want to or not). You can't blame the doctors, but he said that as many as 40-50% of the doctors who are eligible to take early retirement will now do so.
Inevitably, we will see the remainder of the doctors seeing everyone and the waiting list will be atrocious.
However, as I said, it is different with OB/Gyn docs, so, by all means find another doctor, Cutie! :)
Crystal you are such a kind hearted person. One of the many things we love about you. Your doctor will understand, just reassure her it is in no way a decision she should take personal. It has everything to do with the hospital, not her. explain your family history with it. There is no need to wait to make an appointment with Dana. If they cant get you in before the 5th then go to that appointment before switching. I think they will probably get you in before that though. =)
Well, thank you. I do like her and she is good but the negatives outweighs the positives. You think I should schedule an appointment with Dana before the 5th? I thought about calling today but I didn't get the chance. I have her information that you gave me in my purse.
Corey tells me i do the same thing so I completely understand. If you feel secure in switching than you should just do it. despite the long drive, i know you will be happy with the outcome. So go with your gut sis! =)
I think I am going to call them and explain the situation and see how I like the first visit. It won't hurt to go and see how I like it. I thought about this today because I have an upcoming appointment at my other doctor. Do you think I should wait until after my ultrasound at my current doctor or just go for it? I have very good feelings about switching. Honestly I think I am more worried about hurting my doctors feelings.
I did switch doctors after finding out i was pregnant and I was a lot further along than you are. It was the best decision i ever made. It has to be your decision and my reasons were due to possible health risks and complications. If you are so unsure of switching I would say stay put. You dont need to second guess yourself. =)
Well actually I do want to switch but I am the kind of person that has to over analyze everything. I am still early enough to where I can switch and have enough time to establish a relationship with a doctor. I have a really good feeling about going to Baptist and being able to deliver there and I can't say that for Blount. I have mixed feelings. I should quit over thinking it and go with my gut feeling.
Ok so I started this rivalry because I found out that I was pregnant and I have been somewhat disappointed with my doctor's office. I have to now start thinking about where I want to have the baby and whether or not I want to stay where I am. I love my doctor and its not so much her but her nurse and the staff. They are not as informative as I thought they would be. My expectations are extremely high right now and I feel as though they are not meeting those high expectations. I don't think its much to ask seeing how I am paying them and have insurance. The good thing is I have the choice of staying or leaving but I don't know what decision to make. I have been going to this doctor for several years now and have established a relationship with her. I have a friend that is further along than I am that goes there and sees the same doctor and she said they aren't very informative. So I guess my question is do you stick with a doctor that you have a relationship with or do you try and switch doctors while the pregnancy is still early on?