Pregnant Women are Sexy and Cute

Rivalry Side A | Health | Other

Nothing Special, Just Carrying a Baby

Rivalry Side B | Health | Other

There are a number of things that come along with pregnancy; mood swings, physical changes, 30 plus extra pounds but do you think pregnant women are sexy and cute or are they nothing special, just carrying a baby?


Posted by in Health / Other on 7/11/10
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  1. BigT (3 votes)
  1. The Boss (2 votes)

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Side B Comment

Olivia Newton - 7/22/10 @ 8:55 AM:
Having a new baby is the most exciting time in one's life, and life, as you know it, will never be the same. I'm thrilled for you both!

Side B Comment

Olivia Newton - 7/21/10 @ 8:32 PM:
I shouldn't have said negative things about pregnant women, Cutie! I didn't know you were 'with child'! There's no way you couldn't be cute and sexy! My apologizes! Hey, and congratulations to you and Ryan! Being a parent is the most awesome, important,and busiest job on earth!
The Boss - 7/21/10 @ 8:33 PM: Rival | Side A
Thank you Olivia. ;) We are both very excited and can't wait to find out what we're having. Less than two weeks from now we'll know.
cutie122403 - 8/17/10 @ 11:45 PM: Rival | Side A
Lol, no worries Olivia. It's ok but Thank You we are SO excited! I can't wait to meet her. I only have four months left and we found out a couple of weeks ago that it will be a little girl. Rachael Dawn.

Side A Comment

juju - 7/15/10 @ 8:38 PM:
That's my Ryan! Can't wait to see if you get to paint toenails or not............
cutie122403 - 7/16/10 @ 6:29 PM: Ally | Side A
Lol, I can still paint my toenails but its getting harder. If I can't do them myself I will definitely have to get them done or maybe I could Ryan into it lol. Thanks Aunt Judy. It's still hard for me to believe I have a baby growing inside of me until it kicks me and moves around. I do love that feeling. It's precious.

Side A Comment

juju - 7/15/10 @ 7:32 PM:
I think that just the thought of your baby growing inside your woman makes her sexy.. I don't care if we gain 30lbs.... we are making a human being inside! I felt special and blessed.. I still have a hard time believing I gave birth to two humans... Wow awesome...
I didn's care what people thought I looked like I felt SPECIAL!!!!... Ps Crystal you are extra cute...
The Boss - 7/15/10 @ 7:34 PM: Ally | Side A
It really is one of those feelings you can't even comprehend until your experiencing it first hand. I've never felt so amazed by the human body as I have from watching our baby grow inside of Crystal. Oh, and SHE'S super cute. ;)

Side B Comment

Olivia Newton - 7/15/10 @ 6:39 PM:
Sorry, ladies, I don't see anything cute or sexy about a pregnant woman. It's just 'a thing' we have to go through to have our children. I looked like I had swallowed a watermelon, both times, and I was miserable.

Side A Comment

mama kaz - 7/12/10 @ 1:10 PM:
I love the new maternity clothes that show off baby bumps. I hated the huge tents that I had to wear, not to mention that I was a size 3 and maternity clothes started in size 8!

Side A Comment

mama kaz - 7/12/10 @ 1:07 PM:
I think there is nothing cuter than a pregnant woman. I really like watching them walk and hold their bellies.

Side A Comment

Sarah Forester - 7/12/10 @ 10:35 AM:
Maybe it was all the hormones raging through my body but i often felt more sexy when i was pregnant. I know my husband thinks pregnant women are sexy (well some) lol

Side A Comment

Jeff - 7/11/10 @ 10:07 PM:
Pregnant women have a beautiful glow about them I just can't explain it.
The Boss - 7/11/10 @ 10:25 PM: Ally | Side A
At the risk of sounding a bit fruity. lol. You are so damn right Jeff. lol

Side A Comment

cutie122403 - 7/11/10 @ 9:08 PM:
I'm so shocked to see and hear the guy's comments on pregnant women. I had No idea they thought it was so sexy which is why I really wanted to start this rivalry.

Side A Comment

cutie122403 - 7/11/10 @ 9:05 PM:
I personally think that if a pregnant women can take care of herself throughout her entire pregnancy, watch what she eats. and doesn't let herself go because she is pregnant then she can be extremely sexy. However when you are pregnant there are times sexy is far from how you feel. I have seen some of the most Adorable and beautiful pregnant women! They look better than some women that aren't pregnant and I love to see the ones that take great care of themselves.

Side A Comment

The Boss - 7/11/10 @ 8:58 PM:
Uhhmm. Would I be out of line if I said Yummy Mummy?

Side A Comment

BigT - 7/11/10 @ 8:44 PM:
I think sexy and cute. I don't know what it is, but it's true. I think my wife is beautiful, but there was something "extra" when she was pregnant.
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