Barack Obama - Election

Rivalry Side A | Politics | Elections

John McCain - Election

Rivalry Side B | Politics | Elections

Who's going to win this presidential election?


Posted by in Politics / Elections on 10/15/08
Debate Leaders
  1. The Boss (3 votes)
  1. Npez (2 votes)
  1. cutie122403 (1 votes)

Side A fans: (14)

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Side A Comment

ioneill - 11/2/08 @ 7:13 PM:
McCain and Palin have failed at almost every turn. They have based their campaign on misquotes and mistruths about Obama and Biden. This deceit will continue into a McCain presidency, crippling not only the internal politics of the US, but the country's international reputation. With segregation comes increased economic turmoil.

On the other hand, Obama has real answers for the real world. My belief, support and hope is behind Barack.

Side B Comment

mama kaz - 10/20/08 @ 9:02 PM:
I think McCain will win in the end because when it comes right down to it there's just too much we don't know about Obama. I think we should all be concerned about his ties to questionable people but even more so his ties to Acorn. They are the biggest reason for this economic crisis we are in. They pushed, bullied, and blackmailed us into this crisis because they seem to think everyone has a right to own a home, even if they can't afford it. I don't know about you but I'm tired of paying the way for people who don't want to pay their own way.
ioneill - 11/2/08 @ 7:19 PM: Rival | Side A
This is a recurring argument against Obama. I am genuinely interested (and surprised) why many are concerned about "not knowing enough about Obama"? I confess, I'm not from the US, I'm British, but when someone comes along and sets out a real plan for change that people are instinctively suspicious. The link between Obama and Acorn is so tenuous I'm shocked the McCain camp even bothered to highlight it. If this is the only dirt that can be dug on Obama, I'm voting for the Democratic ticket.

Side B Comment

AvidReader - 10/16/08 @ 7:21 PM:
Better a plan that says we will look at "all options" than a plan that is either infeasible or unaffordable. Have you read Obama's website? I know his energy plan isn't right. And frankly, we can't afford more taxes on small and medium businesses!

Side A Comment

Npez - 10/16/08 @ 12:20 AM:
Wanna hear a joke?


The End

Side A Comment

Dennis Plucinik - 10/15/08 @ 11:47 PM:
The point at which I came into the debate it looked like McCain was crying or something. I was like.... oHHH MY GOD yes he is getting killed.

It is seriously scary how each side really saw two different debates - one with Obama crushing McCain and making him look like a blabbering idiot, and another who think Obama is... bad for some reason. I honestly can't think of a single argument against him though so I'll leave it at "some reason".
The Boss - 10/16/08 @ 12:04 AM: Rival | Side B
Increasing corporate tax even higher than 35%, is that not one reason?
Npez - 10/16/08 @ 12:20 AM: Ally | Side A
now I might be wrong on Mr. Kazinecs reply but I believe that Obama Is only raising those taxes to corporations that exceed 250k in profits. That's not including what the corporations pay out to there staff and themselves what they use for medical and so on and so forth. Making a plus revenue of 250k plus is beyond adequate. Plus Obama is making it so that those taxes are being put back out to corporations that can't afford medical to there employees which might be that same buisness. I just think that we all are in a financial slump right now and his plans are for a balance of every ones needs.
The Boss - 10/16/08 @ 12:24 AM: Rival | Side B
I could be wrong as well but I believe forming a corporation requires at least 50 employees (correct me if I'm wrong). Now how many many companies with 50 plus employees make less than 250k? Not many I'd venture to guess.

Side A Comment

Npez - 10/15/08 @ 11:41 PM:
I agree with you! Mccain was very strong in the begining, I actually was very intrigued on a lot of what he had to say. I just think he lost it with still using negativity to gain respect.
The Boss - 10/15/08 @ 11:43 PM: Rival | Side B
In his defense he has been pushed real hard by the republican party to take the offensive approach which he did. I think it went well to an extent but we'll see what the results are.
Dennis Plucinik - 10/16/08 @ 12:01 AM: Ally | Side A
You might say that it seems as though the Republican's don't quite have a consistent "plan"
Npez - 10/16/08 @ 12:03 AM: Ally | Side A
I'm a person to see both sides, I can see how MCcain did well on just pertaining to the offensive but when the tides turned and the question came up about the commercials negativity all Mccain made it seem as he was the one getting hurt like if people were calling him the terrorist and saying to kill him. He then kept bringing up the whole thing about Obamas connection with William Ayers. It just makes me chuckle that the only reason after that whole ordeal he made a statement was because of the realization that it was wrong. My question is why didn't he when the mccain/palin mobs said that, he didn't say something then? I'm looking at my future and I see nothing honestly with john Mccain's increasingly wrong statements and accusations.
The Boss - 10/16/08 @ 12:03 AM: Rival | Side B
I won't argue that Dennis. The party has been back and forth but that is out of my control. It is better than the alternative of the wrong plan though.
Dennis Plucinik - 10/16/08 @ 12:05 AM: Ally | Side A
hmmm... no plan vs. actually very educated plan?

Side B Comment

The Boss - 10/15/08 @ 11:38 PM:
Who am I kidding? I don't know. I think McCain was strong at the beginning but started slipping a bit towards the end of the final debate. Obama would have to be one unlucky SOB to lose this election with all of the support he is receiving from every single media outlet.

Side A Comment

Npez - 10/15/08 @ 11:38 PM:
I think Mccain is Horrible and doesn't know squat about middle class business. Or what Obama's true tax plans are because he swears that Obama is raising taxes to everyone. He is only raising taxes to the over wealthy so that the economy will stabilize. I understand when people earn there money, but who needs billions? or even millions upon millions of dollars? Being taxed is a way to help out every one who can't gain or earn that sort of money struggling in a middle class environment. Mccain to me did a horrible job.John Mccain repeats every single thing that he says in every debate, He's a negative fool, and he loves to babble about the same pork barrel problems over and over. I hope that people truly realize that we don't need another bush, and though he says he isn't, His plans are continuing bush's straight line to depression.

The Boss - 10/15/08 @ 11:41 PM: Rival | Side B
I'll agree with the repetition but lets look at things in a different light. Corporate tax is already at 35% and is the second highest in the world. Obamas plan doesn't attack those who make millions alone, his attacks anyone who makes over $250k a year. Is that not the goal of everyone in America, to succeed and be as prosperous as possible? If I was to make $250k a year you can be damn certain I deserve it and I damn well wouldn't want to hand it over to the government. Just my opinion.
Npez - 10/15/08 @ 11:49 PM: Ally | Side A
Very, very true. I understand the aspect of you keep what you earn, hell if and when I make that much I damn sure want to keep it. but if I'm making 250k a year that's definitely enough to live comfortably even with taxes..
The Boss - 10/16/08 @ 12:02 AM: Rival | Side B
Really? How much in taxes would you be comfortable with?
Dennis Plucinik - 10/16/08 @ 12:04 AM: Ally | Side A
I think people miss the small things Obama says like for instance - we essentially need to leverage the wealth of the nation to bail each other out. Think about this - if middle-America can't pay their mortgages, banks fail and cause things like an economic meltdown which effects the rich to everyone has a stake in everyone's well being at this time.

The idea that this "meltdown" might be manufactured in order for those at the top to force us under their control (socializing the finance sector) is a whole other argument...
Npez - 10/16/08 @ 12:08 AM: Ally | Side A
Very, very true. I understand the aspect of you keep what you earn, hell if and when I make that much I damn sure want to keep it. but if I'm making 250k a year that's definitely enough to live comfortably even with taxes..

Side B Comment

cutie122403 - 10/15/08 @ 11:25 PM:
I think McCain will. He did a great job. Obama seemed speechless to me.
Dennis Plucinik - 10/15/08 @ 11:59 PM: Rival | Side A
I thought he was rather eloquent as McCain put it
Dennis Plucinik - 10/15/08 @ 11:59 PM: Rival | Side A
for once I agree with McCain :)
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