We've listened to what he's had to say and what he'd like to see happen with health care, cap and trade, immigration, etc... It's not that he's not being listened to it's that the American people by in large (Majorities) disagree with his policies and are fed up with Washington as a whole. (Both Parties) Don't confuse this with people wanting the change he's offering, the people do not want bigger government and less liberty; they want a fiscally responsible government (MUCH smaller, Much less invasive.) where the concern is the future of our country and not furthering the power the government already has over the people.
Let's say that I'm very glad the Republicans are united in standing against Health Care but that doesn't mean for one second I trust any of those corrupt politicians. One of the many things I learned when traveling to DC a few months ago (With thousands of other Americans) is that all politicians should be questioned (not a new development). I tend to be a pretty good judge of character and many of the Republicans that surfaced at the protest were blatantly trying to play the protesters like pawns. I have no problem reversing the roles and playing them until we get some true conservatives in office.
What it really boils down to is the core disagreement we and they have; the role and power of government. You can call it partisan to unite in standing against this disagreement but I call it a necessity.
One thing I do agree with is that you cannot sit on the sideline and I am not.
All right Mr. Kazinec. Here we go again. I agree that Mr. Obama's run so far has been anything less than lackluster, but you say he's been spewing the same rhetoric since his run. Well, he wouldn't have to keep spewing it if others would actually listen. The problem that exists right now is no longer a matter of will Obama meet them half way, but will the holed-up Republicans get off their bums and try to do the same. He has recently extended his hand in a show of "bi-partisanship" only to have it knocked away every time. So far every effort he has made has simply been either ignored or scoffed at since January of this year. Now as I've stated before I'm not very happy with how things have ended up so far under his administration and may very well find myself voting differently in 2012, but I've yet to be impressed by any Republican member either. Kind of hard for Democrats to meet in the middle and work things out for the country when Republicans are too busy acting like a bunch of spoiled brats on the school playground because they didn't get picked first. If Obama is going to hear the voice of all Americans then every congressman needs to be present to voice that opinion. You cannot sit on the sidelines and expect THAT to be your message. Republicans need to be heard, and that means BEING there. So they either need to put up or shut up!
All right Mr. Kazinec. Here we go again. I agree that Mr. Obama's run so far has been anything less than lackluster, but you say he's been spewing the same rhetoric since his run. Well, he wouldn't have to keep spewing it if others would actually listen. The problem that exists right now is no longer a matter of will Obama meet them half way, but will the holed-up Republicans get off their bums and try to do the same. He has recently extended his hand in a show of "bi-partisanship" only to have it knocked away every time. So far every effort he has made has simply been either ignored or scoffed at since January of this year. Now as I've stated before I'm not very happy with how things have ended up so far under his administration and may very well find myself voting differently in 2012, but I've yet to be impressed by any Republican member either. Kind of hard for Democrats to meet in the middle and work things out for the country when Republicans are too busy acting like a bunch of spoiled brats on the school playground because they didn't get picked first. If Obama is going to hear the voice of all Americans then every congressman needs to be present to voice that opinion. You cannot sit on the sidelines and expect THAT to be your message. Republicans need to be heard, and that means BEING there. So they either need to put up or shut up!
Until I heard the speech I was hopeful that Obama may have finally heard the American people speaking (after losing Ted Kennedy's seat) but the speech was just more of the same. He actually seemed more determined to push the health care bill through than he did before. When Massachusetts sends a message like they just did it is political suicide to ignore it. I just see business as usual going on in DC. I think they are getting nervous but they still aren't listening.
The truth of the matter is that I want to be more optimistic about our future as a nation, and after last night I am more hopeful. The one thing that President Obama kept reiterating during the whole speech that I felt could not have been more true was the fact that our government would not accomplish anything so long as they allowed partisan politics to rule the day. I'm so sick and tired of the way democrats try to do whatever they can to foil republican policies and vice versa. So long as our elected officials keep dancing the Washington Two-Step NOTHING will ever get done. It is high time our government stop bickering over party lines and reach across the aisle to help not just one another, but to help those who elected them in the first place. As constituents we should expect our elected officials to do whatever it takes to get the job done in a time like we are currently experiencing. If that means making compromises in order to do good for the whole of America then so be it. Make no mistake that we are just as responsible for the way things have become in this country where our politicians are concerned. The non-partisan politics that have taken over our country and strangled the life out of the effectiveness of both bodies of Congress are a direct result of the men and women who put them their in the first place. As we continue to remain defiant against the other parties policies we elect officials who never budge and simply vote "No" to spite the other party only to oppose their position. This is NOT responsible leadership, and certainly not responsible politics. True politics allows for compromise. If we truly expect to get anything done in Washington we are ALL going to have to make compromises. Which means voicing your dissatisfaction with your own party and their ability to get the job done. We need to let our senators, our representatives, and yes, our President know that real change will only ever happen so long as we stand up and say "Enough is enough!" WORK TOGETHER and help the American people. Do whatever it takes. No matter the sacrifice. No matter the compromise. Regardless of popular opinion. You can not satisfy the whole of the general public or every single one of your constituents, but never forget your base line obligation to those you serve. Make the hard decisions. Not because it will get you re-elected, but because it will benefit the American people. Time is of the essence. As voters we too have a responsibility to our officials and one another. You can not demand your officials be so rigid on every single talking point and issue you believe in. We too must compromise in order to get things done. Voice your opinions and dissatisfaction to your senators, representatives, and other elected officials. Let them know that it is time to lay partisan politics aside for the better of the American people. As long as we continue to accept the status quo of "politics as usual", it is just as much our fault as theirs that nothing gets done. Stand up, speak volumes, and be heard. If you say nothing at all then don't expect the change we so desperately need in this country. If you want to blame someone for the ineffectiveness of our current body of Congress then stand in front of the mirror and point away. We are just as responsible, but as American citizens, we are just as capable. Hope is not a bad thing, but it cannot foster change on its own. The real question is "What will YOU do?" Will you remain silent? Or will you be heard?