The biggest problem is nobody pays attention. its basically free money for them since nobody asks how they plan on getting off the food stamps. but then if a guy gets out of the military and collects unemployment they eventually kick him off.
Uh... YES! If you're bummin, you're slummin. Why should those who are not working and are accepting welfare be treated the same as those who are out working hard to support themselves and pay taxes. In the beginning of welfare there was some shame involved in being on the gravy train. Now we do everything to make it more acceptable. That's why we are trillions of dollars in debt. Wake up people! Those of you who look at welfare as a permanent way of life are in for a rude awakening when the tax numbers come in this year. Look this word up if you have a dictionary. DEFICIT!
I see people all the time buying nothing but junk food with their food stamp cards. I'm not talking like a candy bar or two I'm talking about bags and bags of candy. They should have to buy healthier foods like with the WIC program.