Marriage Can Survive Adultery

Rivalry Side A | Health | Mental Health

It Cannot Survive a Cheating Spouse

Rivalry Side B | Health | Mental Health

Can marriage surive infidelity or is the lack of trust from that point on too much to cope with? What role do kids play?


Posted by in Health / Mental Health on 3/27/10
Debate Leaders
  1. LIBERAL (5 votes) Validated Ego
  1. cutie122403 (1 votes)

Side A fans: (4)

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Side A Comment

Olivia Newton - 4/5/10 @ 3:57 PM:
If a spouse is not responding to his partner's request for intimacy, cheating will be considered by the wronged spouse; that is unfortunate, but true.

Side A Comment

mama kaz - 4/5/10 @ 8:15 AM:
I don't know how I missed this one because you all know I love to give my opinion on everything! I know marriages can survive adultery because I've seen it. I don't think mine could but I guess you only know when it happens to you. I think a spouse who cheats habitually doesn't have a chance but there are women and men who are in a marriage for reasons other than love so they stay. I do think it's uncommon for a couple to stay together after there's been cheating. I think cutie is right when she says it destroys trust and that really is the basis of marriage. I admire people who can do it because I'm pretty sure my husband would find all his stuff and a very large sign proclaiming his infidelity on the front lawn if he ever cheated on me. Fortunately we are at the age where we're both too tired to even think about it.

Side B Comment

juju - 3/31/10 @ 10:27 AM:
Hopefully we are learn from our mistakes. I know I have. I too made decisions that I thought we in the best interest of my children, and it was very hard to raise them alone for a long time. I know if I could go back I too would do somethings different, however my children have all survived and prospered,so I know God was watching over and forgave.. Anyway life goes on and let's enjoy it...

Side B Comment

Sarah Forester - 3/31/10 @ 8:15 AM:
Rick..I did say I know there is a rare occasion when a marriage can survive infidelity. Your parents are the perfect example.

"children" they were my only reason for staying in as long as i did. Children are the reason for staying in many situations. It is really hard for anyone to know exactly what they would do or how they would handle it unless they have been there themselves. My situation has changed me in so many ways for the better. If i could go back and know that my kids and i would have been OK if i left when i wanted to then God help us i would have. I would do many things different if i could go back but I cant, however my mistakes got me to where i am now and I would give that up for NOTHING!
LIBERAL - 3/31/10 @ 10:11 AM: Rival | Side A
Thank you Sarah. That's all I wanted to hear from someone. It's so very easy to SAY what you would do in a situation like that, but until you've been in that position you don't really know exactly what you would do. Love is just as unpredictable as the weather. Sometimes you just have to let go and give into a little faith.

Side B Comment

juju - 3/30/10 @ 3:18 PM:
I say if it is over leave! What makes a person want to belittle someone else. I personally would not forgive a person who thought so little of me. Not to say I wouldn't still talk and stuff, but I would not have the same feelings towards that person. I diffently would not stay in that so called marriage. What is the definition of marriage??? trust, love,???to you who cheat. Believe me I am not perfect by any means, but I would like to think I trustworthy and know what a commitment is...

Side B Comment

Sarah Forester - 3/30/10 @ 12:41 PM:
I say NO...I was the one who cheated in my marriage. It is over and was over long before i cheated. You cannot be "in love" with someone and do something so horrible and hurtful to them. Maybe there is a rare occasion when a spouse will make a truly horrible mistake and they can survive it. Having been through it I say if you can even put yourself in a position to cheat there is a good reason why you are there and you dont have a good marriage to begin with.
LIBERAL - 3/31/10 @ 12:00 AM: Rival | Side A
You can say NO all you like, but it doesn't make it the right choice for everybody. As with my parents the answer was YES. And my father did what he did because he was young and stupid at the time. People make mistakes. Whether they learn from those mistakes is the point here. And my father learned from his mistake. As far as trust is concerned let me tell you that there is no other man on this god's green earth I trust more now than my father. And the occasion is not rare. I've seen this happen to friends and co-workers who are still happily married to this day. My mother is one of the strongest women I know and she is no less respectful to me or anyone else who knows her just because she decided to give my father another chance. She did so because she is "in love" with him and he too is "in love" with her. In fact, I believe it made her even stronger. And come this November my mom and dad will celebrate nearly 40 very happy years together. They are to me a model of what a real relationship can go through and remain just as strong as they day they married each other if not stronger.
cutie122403 - 3/31/10 @ 9:06 PM: Ally | Side B
Amen sister! I completely agree with you!

Side A Comment

LIBERAL - 3/28/10 @ 8:12 PM: Validated Ego
Cutie it's okay to feel that way, but like I said I don't agree with you. That's my right. You really don't have to get upset about it. It certainly doesn't make me think differently of you that we disagree. If you're not upset then that's great, but you seem a little hostile there. Some people just can't get past certain things in life. I just believe that love can get past anything, including an infidelity. In my mind you are wrong and I'm right. So as you said we can certainly agree to disagree. I just hope that you don't hold that against me.
cutie122403 - 3/31/10 @ 9:04 PM: Rival | Side B
Lmao! Hey Rick I just got a really good laugh. Thanks, I needed it after a long day of work. I am not even close to being upset, this is a debate right or am I on the wrong website? Of course I don't hold that against you. We both will not agree on that and that's the beautiful thing about having a free mind.

Side B Comment

gonzo - 3/28/10 @ 12:12 AM:
i think with out trust in each other a relationship cannnont last at all. there will always be that qusetion is she really at work is she really doing what she said she will be doing. trust me i know!
cutie122403 - 3/28/10 @ 7:39 PM: Ally | Side B
Yes Gonzo! You are SO right! Who wants to be with someone that they can't trust? It's not for me, I have more love and respect for myself than that.

Side A Comment

LIBERAL - 3/28/10 @ 12:12 AM: Validated Ego
I understand that you "feel" that way, but you are wrong about whether someone truly loves the other. My dad is in love with my mom, and there's no denying that by anyone, including my mother. "Once a cheater always a cheater". That's just a very narrow minded way of thinking. Sorry, but it is. We're all human, and we make mistakes. I guess some of us can think more freely than that.
cutie122403 - 3/28/10 @ 7:37 PM: Rival | Side B
Yes I do "feel" that way and although you may think it is narrow minded, again I disagree with you. I think you are wrong and you think I'm wrong so we will agree to disagree. You are telling me that once you cheat on someone it wouldn't become easier to do it again? It's almost an addiction and a game. In a lot of situations it does become an addiction and people love the thrill of it so I will still say "Once a cheater always a cheater". We are all human and we do make mistakes but some mistakes you can't take back. If I cheated on my husband I would never expect him to stay with me.

Side B Comment

cutie122403 - 3/27/10 @ 6:28 PM:
I am so in love with my husband but if he cheated on me there would not be a chance for explanation. I would be gone or he would be gone before you could even say the word. Although I love him and want him in my life I am an independent women and could do very well on my own. If you "Love" and I mean the true meaning of Love someone you could not cheat on them. If you could then you never loved them in the first place. A marriage couldn't withstand cheating. Even if you tried to work things out there would always be that distrust and thought in the back of your mind.
LIBERAL - 3/27/10 @ 9:58 PM: Rival | Side A
Sorry cutie, but I have to disagree. I've seen first hand what can happen when a spouse cheats on another, but if you TRULY love someone, then you learn to forgive. You may never forget, but when you really love someone, you love them despite their shortcomings. Despite their flaws. True love should be able to withstand any thing, and yes, that includes infidelity. My stepfather cheated on my mother when they were younger. I would have sworn that they never would have worked things out. Most of us believe that a relationship cannot survive something like this, but my mom and dad are living proof that you can. When you wake up and they are the first thing to cross your mind, or the last thing you think of before you go to bed, then you don't simply love that person. You are IN love with them. Kids sometimes play a significant role in how a relationship ends or survives, but I can honestly tell you that my parents stayed together for many reasons. The most important reason being that they could not see themselves with anyone else but each other. November 19th of this year my mom and dad will celebrate their 39th anniversary! They are still VERY much in love, and I hope one day I find someone who really loves me enough to look beyond my flaws and imperfections to see someone they absolutely cannot live without.
cutie122403 - 3/27/10 @ 10:12 PM: Ally | Side B
Rick-that is wonderful that your mom and dad are still together and I congratulate them for staying together after 39 years. However, I am going to have to disagree with you. I believe with all of my heart that if you are in love with someone that you can't even possibly begin to think of anyone else beyond a friendship level. If you can then you just simply "loved " them and it didn't go any further than that and it wasn't true love. Being "in love" and "loving" is two completely different things. If my husband cheated on me I would probably be able to forgive overtime but would never forget. Me forgiving him would not bring us back together though. To me it is unacceptable. A lot of people forgive and take their significant other back but not me. Once a cheater always a cheater.

Side B Comment

Jeff - 3/27/10 @ 5:40 PM:
I know this one all to well,and that's all I'm gonna say
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