I have a fake tree but you cant go wrong with a real. The smell and the actual greenery is amazing. But the only down side is the clean up. Well it my rents fake tree, were not allowed to have fake or real trees in out apartment cause two years ago flatly lights burnt down a unit on the other side of the complex. I remember tree hunting with my parents when i was young i would pick out the biggest tree we could fit on top of the old van we had. It was one of the best things i remember from my childhood. I love this season.
Yeah a fake is nice you can take it down and pack it up...wheres the fun in that! I miss the days as a kid when me and my brother and dad would scout out a tree in the woods and go back in the middle of the night and cut it down and watch as my older brother would toss it down on my dad cause he got scared lol classic.
I agree, whatever happened to being able to cut your own tree down? I remember we used to go to Christmas tree farms and they'd you a hand saw and say have at it. Now all you get to do is pick it out and they cut it down for you, where's the fun in that? We can probably thank the people who sue for spilling coffee on themselves for this one.
I had to vote for one....I have always loved real trees however after my real one sat on my front porch for 6 months after last Christmas. I vowed to never put a real tree in my house again..My fake, prelit, ever so easy to put up and take down tree looks just as beautiful. I do miss the smell of the real tree though.
I love real trees but my mom gave me a nine foot fake tree that is beautiful so I'm going fake for the first time in my life. The upside is that it doesn't need water, won't die before Christmas, won't burn my log house down, and I didn't have to drive three hours (each way) to cut down a really good live tree. My husband's so happy that he's not complaining about all the pine candles I'm buying.
I completely agree with you Mr. Kazinec. I love real trees and the smell of them. I don't think it would work out to well in our house right now. Emma would eat it and drink the water,haha. Our fake tree is still pretty though and it will be easier to deal with when Christmas is over.