Keep the Language Censor System

Rivalry Side A | Tech | Programming

Remove it. Contradicts Free Speech

Rivalry Side B | Tech | Programming

JealousBrother currently has a language filter that displays random characters like #$@% in place of certain very foul words in an attempt to keep things somewhat family friendly. Should this feature be left in place or should it be removed


Posted by in Tech / Programming on 4/11/11
Debate Leaders
  1. TNinfidel (2 votes)
  1. The Boss (1 votes)

Side A fans: (3)

Neutral Fans: (2)


Side B Comment

The Boss - 7/26/11 @ 11:39 PM:
Alright you foul mouthed son of a &%@?&$ The language filter is now in place. Navigate to "edit profile" on your menu drop down. Then click on privacy setting and disengage the language filter so all of your potty language is there for you to see.

One bit of bad news. All of your previous profanity will remain censored as the censor was put in place before inserting the data into the database. Aside from going back and editing all of the bad words there is nothing I can do so you'll have to make up for it and cuss like sailors from now own. sorry it took so long. Do let me know if there are any problems with it.

Side A Comment

mama kaz - 5/23/11 @ 1:04 PM:
And I got my potty mouth FROM my kids!

Side A Comment

Sarah Forester - 4/22/11 @ 7:41 AM:
I have a terrible problem with my language, for a lady that is. =) They just slip out! well I have a 2 year old so obviously i have been working real hard on my filter. I think we all still get the idea of what someone is saying even with the characters in place of the word.

Side A Comment

mama kaz - 4/21/11 @ 11:02 AM:
One more comment.... I have next door neighbors who don't appreciate potty mouths so I make sure to keep mine clean and filtered when I am around them as a common courtesy and a sign of respect.

Side A Comment

mama kaz - 4/21/11 @ 11:00 AM:
I think the symbols representing obscenities get the point across just fine. There are people who go on sites like these who don't have a potty mouth so out of courtesy to them I think the filters are a good thing.
The Boss - 4/22/11 @ 8:44 PM: Rival | Side B
While I tend to agree with you I can't ignore the reality that JealousBrother thrives on Freedom of Speech. You can say whatever you'd like; regardless of the merit of your comment. To ignore the filter invades on that free speech would be a mistake I believe.

I've gotten a bit sidetracked adding the NEW "popular" tab to the rivalry navigation area. I will be getting to the family filter options very soon.

Side B Comment

TNinfidel - 4/19/11 @ 8:25 PM:
Sounds like a winner to me. Freedom of choice is a good thing. The Kazinec Family Christmas reference was intended as a pun. I've heard the stories of the gag gifts. You guys are a riot.
The Boss - 4/19/11 @ 8:54 PM: Ally | Side B
We have a great time being so damn dysfunctional; we love it.

I'm going to start working on the new feature tomorrow and depending on how things go will have the adjustments made ASAP. As always thanks for the input.

Side B Comment

TNinfidel - 4/19/11 @ 12:07 AM:
Could you imagine a censored Kazinek Family Christmas? It wouldn't be the same...

Just say no to PC.
The Boss - 4/19/11 @ 6:32 PM: Ally | Side B
I know what you're saying but there is a big difference between censoring things down to a g rating and eliminating the display of a VERY small list of words (Five I believe) that I wouldn't use in front of my family.

Regardless though I'm finding myself convinced that it's not the place of the website to censor these words so I've come up with a very fair compromise.

I will be removing the language filter but will create a feature for users who'd prefer the family friendly version of the site to allow them to turn it on at will. Freedom of Speech is a beautiful thing; as is Freedom of Choice.

Neutral Comment

Jeff - 4/12/11 @ 8:43 PM:
Thanks didn't see it before

Neutral Comment

Jeff - 4/12/11 @ 5:29 PM:
Same here just in the middle I'll have to think on this alittle more
The Boss - 4/12/11 @ 8:32 PM: Rival | Side B
Just so you know Jeff. You can now take a middle ground. You can Join Neutral if your undecided and you can also change sides if you're convinced to do so.

Neutral Comment

cutie122403 - 4/12/11 @ 6:04 AM:
Well I'm in the middle as well on this one. It doesn't bother me for what I say to be censored but I see what Tninfidel is saying.

Side B Comment

TNinfidel - 4/11/11 @ 7:04 PM:
Wow, don't refresh! I'm seeing double.
The Boss - 4/11/11 @ 7:39 PM: Ally | Side B
I removed the duplicate. There is a feature in place to prevent that but apparently it needs some fine tuning. I'll put it on my to do list.

Side B Comment

TNinfidel - 4/11/11 @ 6:41 PM:
As if you might have wondered which side I was on. LOL

This site is about freedom of expression and it should be reflected in uncensored posting. PC is a slippery slope.
The Boss - 4/11/11 @ 7:39 PM: Ally | Side B
I'm beginning to see it your way. I'll let this rivalry be active for a week but if more users are against it; I will remove the filter. Thanks for your feedback.

Side B Comment

The Boss - 4/11/11 @ 4:44 PM:
I'll be honest here. While I like the language filter I do see the point that a site that thrives on opinion and free speech is in some way restricting that speech with the filter in place.

I'm looking to be swayed to one side or the other so let's hear the reasons why the system must go or must stay. Thanks to everyone for your participation and input. It's greatly valued.
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