I Trust Attorneys / Lawyers More

Rivalry Side A | Politics | Other

I Trust Politicians More

Rivalry Side B | Politics | Other

Who do you have more trust in? Politicians or Attorneys? I know, it's a tough one.


Posted by in Politics / Other on 3/21/10

Side A fans: (11)

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Side A Comment

CHOW - 4/9/10 @ 10:33 AM:
I really don't trust or distrust somebody based on their chosen vocation. Trust, at least for me, is meted out on an individual basis on criteria such as character and such. Vocation [unless the vocation is criminal in nature] is not a criteria to award my trust.

Side A Comment

mama kaz - 4/4/10 @ 6:47 PM:
Wow! Something we can all agree on. Too bad it's in reference to the people who run our country.

Side A Comment

Sarah Forester - 3/23/10 @ 7:21 PM:
Good point Tomegun!!! I agree!

Side A Comment

Tomegun - 3/22/10 @ 2:50 PM:
This is simple: I could find a lawyer that I could pay enough to have my best interest at heart - even if temporarily. My pockets aren't deep enough to do the same with a politician.

Side A Comment

mama kaz - 3/22/10 @ 8:46 AM:
I detest attorneys but the politicians are the lowest life form out there right now. They lie, cheat, steal, and strong arm people to get what they want. There are only a handful that I would vote for. I plan to work hard to see them voted out in 2010 so we can restore some sanity to this country. I hope a lot of NEW people rise up to run this country the way our founding fathers intended. I just hope it's not too late.

Side A Comment

Jeff - 3/21/10 @ 8:29 PM:
I dont trust either one but I would come closer to trusting an Attorney that any Politician
cutie122403 - 3/24/10 @ 11:50 AM: Ally | Side A
I agree!
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