Wish I could say beach, I like swimming and the 'views', but I cant stand sand sticking to me.
Getting out of the water = sand sticking to you.
Just chilling on the beach = sand sticking to your sun block.
Mountains please with a view of the beach.
so this is the way i look at it. ive lived in both places. and i love the mountains. and i love the beach. but the beach is mor appreciated because you have to drive to see it. usually when you live up north your surrounded by the mountains and they are less appreciated because you see them EVERYWHERE. im also a florida girl so my opinion is a little biased. :]
I lived in Florida for ten years about 30 min. from the beach so I LOVE it! I do love the mountains but I see them everyday. I definitely want to visit Florida soon.
Poor me a have to wake up everyday and go play er I mean pt( that's physical training) every day on the beach. Then I go hang out in the water for my lunch. And have a beautiful ride along the coast to go to my house that's about a half mile to the beach. Unlike kazzy my back yard never gets old. Almost enough to make me wanna reenlist again. Mountains psshh. and let's not forget the clothing. Ok now I wanna go swimming talk to you guys later.
west coast does have beach appeal. I'm not a fan of the carolina's especially with myrtle beach, it looks like trash. but florida has some pretty nice beaches for the collegiate kid and the family vacation respectively.
Since I live in the back yard of the smokies it's not the most appealing vacation spot. But as far as beaches, San Diego has South Carolina beat by far. We went to Hilton Head and I was very disappointed.