Vintage Sun Made Raisin Girl

Rivalry Side A | Business | Companies

Sexy Thin Busty Sun Made Raisin Girl

Rivalry Side B | Business | Companies

The Redesign of the Sun Made Raisin girl has sparked some controversy. Which one do you prefer? Vintage or Updated?


Posted by in Business / Companies on 12/07/09

Side A fans: (5)

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Side B Comment

TattedAngel - 3/13/10 @ 12:20 AM:
I don't like that it's so "perfect"...but companies DO have to update their logos from time to time.

Side A Comment

big ben - 12/9/09 @ 8:55 PM:
Sometimes you just have to stay with the original. this helps a company maintain its tradition and history. lets face it, most woman don't picture orville red in speedos, but the popcorn is still very good and they relate the face of orville to the great product.

Side A Comment

Jeff - 12/9/09 @ 7:26 PM:
I like both but but I just like the old one better and I agree its Barbie in a bonet.

Side B Comment

The Boss - 12/7/09 @ 6:17 PM:
It's obvious the vintage logo is outdated and would be nice in a antique shop but not on the grocery shelf. However, I do see the typical sexist, false reality of the super thin waste and busty chest portrayed in the new character. I'm not saying that they should make her plus sized but the waste is obviously out of proportion with reality. This continues the progress of influencing young girls into believing there is a perfect physique to reach for while much like the models gracing magazines are air brushed and exaggerated.
BigT - 12/9/09 @ 1:23 PM:
LOL, look it's Barbie in a bonet.
cutie122403 - 12/29/09 @ 11:35 PM: Ally | Side B
Wow, I completely agree. They make every female seem "perfect" when its all so fake and these poor girls idolize something so unreal.
cutie122403 - 12/29/09 @ 11:35 PM: Ally | Side B
Of course I do have to say she is way more attractive than the older picture.
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