There is Nothing Wrong With It

Rivalry Side A | Other | Education

It is Wrong on So Many Levels

Rivalry Side B | Other | Education

This PSA "I Pledge Video" was shown to Utah elementary students; Do you see or hear anything wrong with it?


Posted by in Other / Education on 9/03/09
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  1. Jeff (1 votes)

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Side B Comment

mama kaz - 10/7/09 @ 5:11 PM:
Hummm... that's what everyone says when WE bring up Bush but the truth is we've got ourselves some BIG double standards going on in this country. I don't want people who are morally bankrupt giving my grandkids advice at school and I don't want anyone telling them they should serve any man. We didn't teach them to serve Bush or anyone else and we arent' teaching them to serve Obama either. I really think if they had left the Obama adoration out of the video and used more actors and actresses who are worth looking up to (and there are a lot of them out there), it would have been fine and wouldn't have offended so many people. It's great to teach our kids to reach out and help others and to strive to make a better life for themselves. I think they need to hear a lot more of that. I just don't agree with doing it in a video at school that comes across as propaganda.
DollyFan - 10/8/09 @ 11:22 AM: Rival | Side A
I've said in earlier statements that no one should pledge themselves to any person, including the president. You have not insinuated this at all, so don't think I'm saying you have. But I sometimes get the feeling some people don't think I should have a say as to what happens in our schools because I'm a gay man without children. I probably never will have any children but I have 32 nieces and nephews and 16 great-nieces and nephews, so I do care about what goes on in our schools! And I pay for schools thru taxes, even though I don't have children, so I do have a say!

As for the actors in the video, there could be better ones that were used. But our society has such a wide taste that any actor or actress or singer would cause some to not like it. Can't please everybody, as nice as that would be.

Side A Comment

DollyFan - 10/7/09 @ 11:11 AM:
mama kaz, Bush did enough wrong during his 8 years of secrecy. We don't need to start with the "What if this had been done under the Bush administration?" We're still dealing with a war that's 8 years old now, a terrible economy, most countries hating America, a huge deficit, etc. But this isn't the place for those arguments.

I agree that no religion should be taught in school. Not just Christianity but Buddhism, Judaism, and so forth. A "separation of church and state" doesn't just mean Christianity.

School is a place to learn. Whether school is teaching how bad smoking is or how bad drunk and driving is or about volunteerism or about our political system or whatever the is brought about to inform students about their world. In my day, we listened, talked to our family and made our own opinions. Watching a video or listening to a lecture didn't mean it was being shoved down our throats or forced upon us. Isn't that the whole point of going to school? None of us will ever agree on everything that schools should teach.

Side B Comment

mama kaz - 10/6/09 @ 9:13 AM:
It's wrong because it's being force fed to our kids in school. This isn't about left or right. This is about right and wrong. It is wrong for schools to serve as a platform for any agenda. This video has terrible role models in it so I wouldn't approve even if they hadn't pledged allegiance to Obama. Why did they think it was necessary to put that in at all? It reminds me of some of the communist propaganda I've seen over the years. Can you imagine what would have happened if this had been done under the Bush administration? I know there is separation of church and state but schools are allowed to teach about every religion except Christianity.

Side A Comment

DollyFan - 9/23/09 @ 10:34 AM:
I don't know if people are watching a different video than the one I'm watching. I don't see the video teaching politics. And I don't see how this relates to the Bible. Religion isn't taught in school because of the "separation of church and state". This video is telling kids, they can make a change and that they can dream and become something. It tells them we should be kind, smile at our neighbors, help someone in need, about the need to recycle and use less fuel, to volunteer and to learn. How is this remotely political and how is it "teaching them one side and one side only"? Are we supposed to also tell them to hate, to be mean, to not have goals and ambitions, that there's no reason to plant more trees, etc.? I am truly lost as to why there was such an uproar over this.

Side B Comment

cutie122403 - 9/22/09 @ 11:58 PM:
This video made me sick at my stomach. If they can't teach about the bible in school then they need to stop teaching these kids politics and from what I hear they are only teaching them one side and one side only.

Side B Comment

mama kaz - 9/13/09 @ 4:06 PM:
I have! I think the reason the video bothered me so much is that children are so easily influenced and when Hollywood speaks, children listen. Children used to be influenced primarily by their families but now they are being influenced by tv and the internet and most of the role models that are out there are terrible. I don't want Hollywood people influencing my grandkids because they are, generally speaking, morally bankrupt. I would much rather see them influenced by DOLLYWOOD! Dolly Parton, Now there is a role model... And I don't want anyone telling them to pledge themselves to any man or woman.
DollyFan - 9/16/09 @ 1:51 PM: Rival | Side A
I agree. And, yes, Dolly is a GREAT role model! Glad you missed me while I was gone on vacation.

Side A Comment

DollyFan - 9/7/09 @ 4:36 PM:
I see only two things wrong with this video of a little over 4 minutes. At about 3:20 into the video someone pledges himself to Obama and then at the end Demi Moore pledges herself to be a servant of the President. Nothing else is wrong with it, in my opinion. And even though I wouldn't pledge myself to be a servant of ANY president, I think the uproar is being taken out of context. All this pledging is in the video to try to get children to understand that they can make a change. That they can make good things happen. That they can make a positive difference in the world. of course, I'm not a paranoid person. That's my 2 cents.

Glad I'm back from vacation? Have you missed me?!?

Side B Comment

Jeff - 9/5/09 @ 11:07 PM:
Im wrong sorry lol I went back and watched it again and I see what your saying and yeah hes suppose to serve us not the other way around my bad.
The Boss - 9/6/09 @ 1:02 AM: Ally | Side B
No worries Jeff. Unless you look at the video in context the significance could easily be taken lightly. The message contained in a lot of it is harmless but is still inappropriate considering the audience.

Side B Comment

Ripi - 9/5/09 @ 11:20 AM:
I will take both side and offer no opinion at all.

Side B Comment

Ripi - 9/5/09 @ 11:17 AM:
NO OPINION. You could say I'm sitting on the fence.

Side B Comment

Ripi - 9/5/09 @ 11:15 AM:
To EACH HIS OWN OPINION. The Left says the Right is wrong. The Right says the Left is wrong. I refrain from any opinion at all. That's all I have to say about that !

Side B Comment

Jeff - 9/5/09 @ 1:24 AM:
Sorry,I didnt really see anything wrong other than what demi was wearing like Ive always said since day one I walk a very thin line on this type of things so I try to just keep the faith,and if Im wrong I will admit it.
The Boss - 9/5/09 @ 5:39 PM: Ally | Side B
A couple of things.

1.) This PSA video was played at an elementary school in Utah.

2.) The president is elected to serve "The People" not the other way around.

3.) This type of propaganda wouldn't be nearly as alarming if it was a commercial someone paid for outright and ran on tv. It is entirely different when you're force feeding these beliefs, ideas, and propaganda to young children without their parents being made aware of it.

4.) Three of the women in this video have appeared either topless or completely naked in feature films, Anthony Kedis from the Red Hot Chili Peppers has openly used drugs in the past, I can go on.... Is this who you as a parent want attempting to manipulate and influence your kids? Without your permission.

5.) The "God Like" mural and "Cult Like" ending with the cult/following of people speaking in unison as Obama's image forms from his followers. This type of propaganda is sickening.

6.) Harpo Productions produced this video. Harpo = Oprah.

No one would argue that some of the comments made are good thoughts or ideas but why are they trying to manipulate the kids with the opinions of tainted celebrities? Two or three times the following is said, "I pledge to serve Barack Obama." In one form or another.

Another thing that's funny; not once did I hear I pledge allegiance to the flag or the constitution.

Side B Comment

big ben - 9/4/09 @ 11:05 PM:
There are so many red flags with this announcement. I am in total awe. The reason for this is because the movement toward a high tech communism state in this country is approaching fast. Hitler used the same type of strategy during his campaign to capture the minds of the Germans. Do not forget about the broadcast comming up for young students by Obama.I will add one more point. The new world order is very obvious in this case. This is because the strategy that is being attempted is very old but effective if the public bites the bait. The good news is the fact that even main stream news is announcing a 42% anti student broadcast, and there was also a far majority of comments against the latest "I pledge" video.

Side B Comment

mama kaz - 9/3/09 @ 10:59 PM:
I pledge to stop watching movies made by all of these idiots in the video.

Side B Comment

mama kaz - 9/3/09 @ 10:57 PM:
Another good acting job from Hollywood. Too bad their lives do not come close to reflecting the kind of values they are trying to peddle in this video. I think its time for us to stand up and tell Hollywood to SHUT UP. It's also time to stand up and tell the government to stop trying to indoctrinate our children. It is the responsibility of parents, grandparents, and aunts and uncles to teach our kids right from wrong. I didn't need a village to raise my kids and if I had needed parenting advice I sure wouldn't ask the government or Hollywood.

Side B Comment

Sarah Forester - 9/3/09 @ 10:21 PM:
I really just dont even know what to say after watching that. I will say that "I Pledge" my girls will not be watching this in their schools.

Side B Comment

The Boss - 9/3/09 @ 9:07 PM:
I saw this story as I opened my Yahoo messenger. After watching the video I quickly became sick to my stomach. It honestly doesn't matter if you're a Republican, Democrat, Independent, or Constitutionalist this video should seriously bother you.
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