I have alot of tattoos and all of them have a meaning to me. its kind of a cool way to express yourself i think. tribal sucks though. but if your in a career field that accepts a thing like excessive tattooing you better be ready to stick with it for a while.
Having a pierced nipple, I guess I have to go with piercings. I would like to get a tattoo around my ankle, though. Afraid I'd get addicted and end up with them all over my body. I've seen that and do not think it is attractive.
Fine Ash...just forget me! Geezus! Anyhow...I love piercings..and one day I will get the nerve to get pierced...it won't b anytime son...but one day I will. I have 7 tats at the moment, and I ill have more...hopefully I manage to get another this year. On Ashley's 21st birthday she and I are gettin matching tats. Jeff, Ash, and I all have the same saying as was said before. Kinda cool that Ash and I got it either the same day or like one day apart. Anyhow...I'm a tat addict. lol
I have piercings and tats...I have 5 tats and ruffly about 12 piercings, but I chose tats over piercings because, all my tats mean something to me, my piercings are just because I them, but every tat I have has a meaning to it...TnSilverback is my dad, and we have matching tats...Kinda cool huh? They say "For those I love, I will sacrifice." Sweet huh?
That is definitely cool that you and your dad have matching tats and I think you've hit the nail on the head. Tats are permanent so people tend to put a lot of thought into what they get and in turn has a significant personal meaning to them.
Hard choice, both can be equally nice. Ripi i do agree that when you get older depending on where there put, and how well people take care of them. Will play a huge role in how they look or if they get all wrinkly. I have a friend who is 78 and she has one on her lower leg. I was surprised to see that it still looks as good now, as the year she had it done.
Hey mama kaz, Ryan thinks I am too old to get my belly pierced again. I saw one of my belly rings the other day and it made me think,hmm. I kind of miss it.
I have a tatoo and I like it now just as much as when I got it. I saw too many infected piercings when I was working to ever want to get one. They can get really nasty if you're not careful. I do think belly rings are cute.
People go through phases, I went through a piercing phase and now I'd like to get a tattoo. However, you won't catch me tatted from head to toe. So very unattractive.