The Stimulus Bill Will Be Disastrous

Rivalry Side A | Politics | News

The Stimulus Bill Will Work Great

Rivalry Side B | Politics | News

The so called Stimulus Bill is going to pass but what will the outcome be?


Posted by in Politics / News on 2/11/09
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  1. mama kaz (1 votes)

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Side A Comment

AugTheCnqror - 3/2/09 @ 2:01 PM:
i really think it will end up doing both. like the ole adage goes, if it sounds to good to be true, it usually is.

Side B Comment

NaturallySwt - 3/1/09 @ 11:07 PM:
I think they will fix the economy. If people learn to be patient, things will turn out how it should be.

Side B Comment

NaturallySwt - 3/1/09 @ 2:34 PM:
so you mean to tell me that you people wouldn't want the money for better road projects?
The Boss - 3/1/09 @ 3:07 PM: Rival | Side A
I don't think it's that people don't want the money but the opinion that the money being spent isn't going to accomplish what they're claiming it would, fix the economy.

Side A Comment

Carlo - 2/18/09 @ 7:48 PM:
I'm buying a car with my free money! :)
Dennis Plucinik - 2/22/09 @ 5:06 PM: Rival | Side B
you sir, are the epitome of the core problems this country has - paying unemployment to those who don't deserve it with no end to it in sight.
markei - 3/6/09 @ 11:19 AM: Ally | Side A
And my car will be paid off by the government, and my mortgage, I won't have no bills, and my groceries and health care will be free! yay!!!
Thank you Mr. Obama!

Oh wait, I never saw the part in there about my right to dissent being taken away... hey, did anybody else miss the part about a civilian military patrol on my street? What do you mean I can only leave the house at certain times of the day...for my protection? well...ok I guess I didn't really need that security system because everyone's cool now, right? Hey how come light bulbs are outlawed(this one's already true)? only the dangerous(disputed) mercury-filled kind will be available soon... Hey what if I like a lot of butter on my potatoes? That's my roast beef you're taking out of my refridgerator... Comic books? I can't read comic books? I guess I don't need em... I can't smoke cigarettes in my own house if I choose(this one's already true in some places, even if you own the home due to the close proximity of other homes - case in Colorado comes to mind in particular)?
I can only buy one loaf of bread this week... what about my kids lunches? what do you mean 3 kids is too many?

Ok, I could go on, but I think the point may(or may not) be made.

Side B Comment

Dennis Plucinik - 2/16/09 @ 5:26 PM:
I had to voice my opinion cause ya' know... I'm always right :)

We could wager another bottle of Tequila if you think otherwise...
The Boss - 2/16/09 @ 5:52 PM: Rival | Side A
Did you want a knife to cut through all of that pork? I hope you know all of our kids and grand-kids will be paying for this unbelievable amount of spending.
Dennis Plucinik - 2/22/09 @ 5:04 PM: Ally | Side B
@mrkazinec - That means it worked because we'll be able to afford to have kids :)
The Boss - 2/22/09 @ 6:38 PM: Rival | Side A
Parenting 101 - You don't have to be able to afford to have kids, to have kids. In fact, most people say you'll never be financially ready for kids.
cutie122403 - 2/22/09 @ 11:57 PM: Rival | Side A
Yeah we may be able to have kids now but our kids may not be able to have kids. That's why I need to have kids while I can :-)

Side A Comment

MARV - 2/13/09 @ 1:59 PM:
its a spending bill. about all of it is pork and pet projects.

Side A Comment

mama kaz - 2/12/09 @ 7:51 PM:
You can't get the economy going by spending a bunch of money you don't have. We need tax cuts. I'm infuriated by all the extra stuff that's being thrown into this thing and also that so much of it's being done behind closed doors. What happened to the promise that it would all be posted on the internet for all of us to see at least 48 hours before it's voted on? Has anyone stopped to think about how long it's going to take to get all these infrastructure projects going? It will take years to get the necessary permits and impact reports.

Side B Comment

Jeff - 2/11/09 @ 6:59 PM:
I'm on the fence on this one part of me says yeah its going to great and the other half says "OMG" but I'm going to try and stay postive on this.
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