I believe if you are in the US to live, you should learn the language. If you are here to visit, you should just learn some basics. Spending tax dollars on English AND Spanish forms for driving tests, etc. is wasteful. I'm NOT saying get out of the country, if you don't learn English (unless you're here illegally). For the 12 years I was in convenience store management, I learned to offer Marlboro Red to Mexicans trying to ask for cigarettes in Spanish and 95% of the time, I was right. It was the brand they wanted. Just a side comment to help anyone in that situation. I took 4 years of Spanish and visited Spain for a couple of weeks. I learned Spanish because I wanted to...not because I ever thought I'd move to a Spanish speaking country. I would think that would be the least a necomer could do when moving to a different country...learn the local language. Oh, I don't agree with having to choose between English or Spanish when making a phone call, using the ATM, etc. Adios!
I willing to bet known of you know any Native American language, since they were here first, should we have to learn their language, besides the Spainards landed here before we did, should we be forced to Spanish then. get over yourselves, push 1, and shut up...your not that important any way.
I don't accomodate people unless they speak English. If you are HERE, speak English. Have you noticed how many labels have English and another language. Ever notice how many Spanish/Mexican food items are on the grocery shelves ?
Many of the comments here make me feel drop out and I wish could do it in their faces...
This is why your U.S now is so down that in coming years this country would be a !&&& powered by !&&&@ Yes I live in this $@## country U.S I have loved it but since I start see you U.S $%&%####$@@! I am wishing this country go and go down and more down until one day all you learn that your country is just other simple country as all.
Every other immigrant to this country had to learn English, why should anyone else get preferential treatment. Our ancestors who came to this country, legally, learned English. If I moved to a foreign country,I'd sure as heck would learn to speak their language. Why are we so afraid to be firm about this?
I can understand accomadating language barriers for businesses affiliated internationaly, and for the travel industry. To accomadate for every tom, %&@!@ and harry is not fair to the general population in a country. It costs time, and causes confusion to the people that know the native language. Example of this: calling to get help with an hp product, and having very hard time understanding operator.
I'm a mixed breed, I find it upsetting that I nor my siblings were taught spanish. I love to children especially fluently speaking more than one language... Kinda makes them look smart as compared to the kids who know only one and will most likely know only one language for the rest of their lives.
It's quite possible to be able to speak english and still be more comfortable in another language. If people are adding to your economy, why should they be forced to speak a language they're uncomfortable with?
Plus, I don't see americans jumping over each other to speak French/German/Italian/$other-language when on holiday abroad. English seems just fine then. Double standard much?
i think the key words are \"holiday abroad\" If we chose to live there we would learn the language. That is how you live more comfortably in another country. :-)
I would also add that when I travel abroad I learn enough the language to get by. I don\'t expect people to cater to my needs. When I traveled to Mexico I learned the necessities, cuanto (how much- applicable for beer, cab fare, etc...) cerveza (self explanatory) gracias (Thank You) Example: Cuanto cerveza?...Gracias!
My point of view I'm sure is going to be a bit biased due to the 10 years as a linguist I spent in the Air Force. However, I am a full fledged believer in being able to speak multiple languages. Yes, English is the universal business language. You will have many more business opportunities and career opportunities if you know multiple languages. My family and I currently live in San Antonio and we plan on teaching our daughters Spanish. No reason not to.
It is a great idea to encourage your children to learn more than one language, but should we really cater to those who don\'t speak English? When I was in jr high a long time ago (back in CA) there were at least three kids (illegal immigrants) who had their hands held through our entire school system and couldn\'t speak a lick of English. Is that adequate use of tax dollars?
ive spent time in europe and they dont try to speak english for us. but i learned beer, and rest room quick. oh and food. weirner schnitzl isnt what you think it is out there.
English is an advantage worldwide in business and science. People who don't know English are less marketable, so I would prefer there were less of them so that my value increases.