Olympic Swimming

Rivalry Side A | World | Olympics

Olympic Gymnastics

Rivalry Side B | World | Olympics

Which Summer Olympic sport do you enjoy watching more? Michael Phelps and company in the pool or Gabrielle Douglas and the fab five on the gymnastic mats? Doesn’t have to be the US team only, which sport do you like more?


Posted by in World / Olympics on 8/03/12
Debate Leaders
  1. DollyFan (2 votes)
  1. Jeff (2 votes)
  1. cutie122403 (2 votes)
  1. The Boss (1 votes)

Side A fans: (1)

Neutral Fans: (0)

Side B Comment

Rikki-Leigh - 8/8/12 @ 10:05 PM:
I think the gymnastics are going to win

Side B Comment

Sarah Forester - 8/7/12 @ 10:27 AM:
I don't watch a whole lot of summer olympics, but when i do it is gymnastics for sure. I just don't enjoy the swimming.

Side B Comment

DollyFan - 8/5/12 @ 7:11 PM:
I love watching the Olympics. I watch the swimming but love the gymnastics more. Yes, it's amazing that someone can swim as fast as they do but it is more amazing that these athletes can jump, bend, flip, jump, etc. like they do in gymnastics! And gymnastics gives more of a variety to watch. But great job, Michael Phelps, best Olympian of all time!

Side B Comment

LIBERAL - 8/4/12 @ 6:40 PM:
I do like both, but I just think it takes a lot more physically and mentally to perform the gymnastics than the swimming. I'm not saying that it doesn't take a lot to perform in the sport of swimming, just that there's a lot more to gymnastics.

Side B Comment

cutie122403 - 8/4/12 @ 2:12 PM:
I really enjoy watching both but i have always loved gymnastics!

Side B Comment

Jeff - 8/4/12 @ 12:01 PM:
I enjoy watching the gymnastics
The Boss - 8/4/12 @ 12:06 PM: Rival | Side A
That takes a heck of a man to admit that. ;) j/k I enjoy watching it too!
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