Mobile Website - .MOBI

Rivalry Side A | Tech | Devices

Application - AppStore - Marketplace

Rivalry Side B | Tech | Devices

With the smart phone revolution in full effect what is more important for websites and businesses to utilize, Mobile websites or applications? Are .mobi websites still relevant or has the iphone, ipad, and android applications taken over?


Posted by in Tech / Devices on 7/07/11

Side A fans: (3)

Neutral Fans: (2)


Side B Comment

maddy crossie - 12/1/11 @ 10:38 PM:
I Choose this side cos i don't agree with the other side

Neutral Comment

The Boss - 7/7/11 @ 11:49 AM:
As I ponder which step to take next with JealousBrother I'm trying to decide which area I should focus my time and energy on. I still have plenty of plans for new features such as the long over due language filter on and off switch, comments page, profile modifications, and more but I have to take serious the need to create a more mobile friendly experience.

We need your input. Which platform do you use more, applications or your smart phones web browser?

My use is split pretty even between the two.
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