It's Okay to Have a TV in the Bedroom

Rivalry Side A | Other | Strange

Not Okay to Have a TV in the Bedroom

Rivalry Side B | Other | Strange

Is it okay to have a television in the bedroom? (Directed at Couples)


Posted by in Other / Strange on 10/16/09

Side A fans: (7)

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Side A Comment

Almir Almirowski - 11/2/09 @ 12:46 AM:
I want 50" TV in my bedroom :D

Side A Comment

mama kaz - 10/26/09 @ 4:58 PM:
Here I am! I've been busy having my yearly "Old Hag" party and that takes a lot of time... I think tv in the bedroom is fine. My husband goes to bed much earlier than me and he likes to fall asleep with the tv on. When he's gone overnight I LOVE to lay in bed and watch tv.

Side B Comment

DollyFan - 10/26/09 @ 4:48 PM:
Ok. Where in the world has everyone been for the past 2 weeks!?!
cutie122403 - 11/7/09 @ 10:36 AM: Rival | Side A
I have lived at work-full time! I'm back!

Side B Comment

Dennis Plucinik - 10/23/09 @ 8:07 PM:
Bedroom is for sexy time.
cutie122403 - 11/7/09 @ 10:35 AM: Rival | Side A
Bedroom is for sexy time so if the tv doesn't interrupt that time then it is ok. I thought about that when we put the tv in our bedroom but trust me it doesn't get in the way.

Side B Comment

Jeff - 10/16/09 @ 11:15 PM:
I agree with you no TV in the Bedroom

Side B Comment

DollyFan - 10/16/09 @ 9:33 PM:
I'm not big on having a tv in the bedroom, unless I'm sick. Then it can be nice to be in bed and watch tv instead of being on the couch being in the way of others. Mike and I wouldn't watch tv in bed, if the other person was asleep, either. I wouldn't complain about anyone having a tv in their bedroom, unless they leave it on while being intimate. That would be rude. Well, unless they were using movies to "enhance" their bedroom life. LOL Anyway, bedrooms and tv's don't really go together for me.
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