Having Teeth Pulled - Dentist

Rivalry Side A | Other | Humor

Dealing with Mail in Rebates

Rivalry Side B | Other | Humor

What is more painful and irritating?


Posted by in Other / Humor on 8/01/08

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Side B Comment

mama kaz - 10/20/08 @ 10:45 PM:
Dentists get on my last nerve... No pun intended. How is it that they are still making huge money while doctors make less and less and have to work more and more? I knew so many people who worked for dentists and were treated to trips to Hawaii by their bosses while we were stuck back at the office working. Maybe it's because doctors will keep seeing you even though you owe them your first child while dentists won't even let you in the front door without an unlimited credit card authorization. I'll take the rebate headache.

Side A Comment

SlashBe - 8/27/08 @ 10:18 PM:
hahahhaha. I'll take the dentist anytime. They give you some good pills afterwards.

Side A Comment

Sarah Forester - 8/4/08 @ 9:49 AM:
I hate mail in rebates however i just sent one in for my new Dare cell phone and getting my last tooth pulled which was a wisdom tooth was far, far worse pain..;-)

Side B Comment

cutie122403 - 8/3/08 @ 11:29 PM:
I don't have to deal with rebates but I'm sure its a pain. I have had plenty of teeth pulled.

Side B Comment

The Boss - 8/1/08 @ 3:07 PM:
You may be inclined to think the picture on the right is an exaggeration; unfortunately its not. I have to send in three rebates for one laptop. I may book an appointment with my dentist just to take my mind off of the dang rebates.
gonzo - 8/3/08 @ 6:29 PM:
dude those things are for real? i thought it was a cruel joke.
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