I absolutely love kids and enjoy every minute I spend with my grandkids but I also love being around the elderly. They are so much like kids but I love how they just let it all fly as they get older. I love hearing their stories. It's fun. I'm only 50 something but I can relate to what Marv is saying about how much better life used to be when times were simpler. I take advantage of most of the stuff progress has given us but I think I'd be fine without it too. I'd love to know how to build a spring house because the way things are going we may all need one to keep our food cold.
I'm coming up behind you Marv. I'm 64. Kids (active ones)have too much energy for me. I'd rather hear stories from my elders. But then again the elderly can pose problems too. I just had to go pick my 91 y/o mother up off the floor. All is well now but she skinned her forehead. But in general I like the history from them. They don't need to be entertained like the young'uns.
i love both,but after awhile, the kids get on my nerves.i love to think about the older times, when pop was 5 cents.seems like back then,times were hard,but people loved each other,now its dog eat dog.i remember,no electric, we kept our milk cold in a spring,and one day i worked all day for 1$ plowing corn. walked about about a mile to catch bus to go to school.poor, but we had love.hey,i'm just 74.
they can both be extremely sweet and extremely irritating, however to me old people even when they smell funny and repeat themselves over and over again saying the same thing are still less aggravating than some peoples children. maybe i spent tooo much time babysitting growing up..lol
I have such a love for kids. I think they are so interesting in the things that come out of their mouths and I just absolutely love them! I love that they are so innocent and have no worries in life. Not to say I don't love or respect the elderly but I would definitely rather spend my time with kids. They are much more entertaining.