Do you think having a child on one of the "kid" leashes is ridiculous and child abuse or do you think they are ok to use and convenient to keep an eye on your child?
I see kids on them and I think "How ridiculous" but I would rather have a safe child than a hurt or dead child. I am the type of person (I have no children) to watch all of the kids when we are out with friends who have kids. I just feel that parents never keep a good enough eye on them, so I always feel I need to be watchful of who is where and doing what. Just my nature. I probably wouldn't use one, if I had a child but see no harm or abuse in it. And this coming from a guy who was tied to a tree with rope with my siblings (I am a triplet) when I was young. We lived on a major highway and had no fenced in yard and mom had too much going on to always be sure one of us didn't get in the road. Of course, today, that would definitely be considered abuse. LOL
While I can't sit here and say it's abuse I can say that it is very similar to treating your child (A Human Being) like a dog and I can't help but laugh when I see misbehaving kids strapped to a flipping, running around like miniature crack attics. However I suppose this is better than the parents who let their kids run around like crack heads without leashes.
We will see how I feel when Rachael starts walking. I might change my mind but right now I think they are absolutely ridiculous! If you are out in public you need to watch your kids. Parents spend too much time letting there kids run off, I see it everyday. I will not take my eyes off of my little girl.
I don't think it is child abuse. Kids can disappear so quickly in a crowd as well as elsewhere that I think it is a good idea to have an attachment between a parent or other responsible adult and the child. I have raised a child so I know how it is.
Putting a restraining/safety device on a toddler who is still too young to understand danger and is both active and fearless is not inhumane. My pediatrician recommended it with my youngest child because we spent a lot of time with him and his family and he knew my son was a danger to himself much of the time. When we went camping and on other outings together it took all 4 of us to watch Ryan and we still had 5 other kids to keep an eye on! With all the child predators out there I think a harness is a great idea for any child when you take them out in crowds. It's a scary world we live in.
Seriously, people need to learn to control their children. I know they are often like little animals (heck, I call 'em monkeys) but, the are still human beings, not dogs.
i have to state a few things here coming from a mother whom has a child with autism you can't just control daughter has a lot of sensory issues and when she gets over stimulated she has fits not because she wants to but because she cant help it to much going on at once is hard on her she will try to run and hide thats i have thought about using one on my daughter i dont think a lot of people really grasp the fact that when a kid acts a curtain way that its not always because a parent is a bad parent. im not a bad parent i just have a spacial kid!
I thought they were awful until my third child came along. I honestly think there were times that the harness may have saved his life. Kids can get away from you so fast and some just have no fear.
I had one with Hannah and it was great! =) I will probably get one for Charlie soon because he does not like to ride in his stroller much anymore. Kids move fast and it is a good safe way to keep a hand on them.