Carrie Underwood

Rivalry Side A | Images | Celebrities

Kelly Clarkson

Rivalry Side B | Images | Celebrities

Which one is your favorite American Idol winner?


Posted by in Images / Celebrities on 6/29/08

Side A fans: (4)

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Side A Comment

DollyFan - 5/17/09 @ 10:27 AM:
I love both but Carrie edges out over Kelly.

Side B Comment

Jeff - 1/10/09 @ 1:37 PM:
I love them both but I like Kelly alot better

Side A Comment

Eric Sagara - 9/16/08 @ 1:02 PM:
Carrie gets my vote cuz shes a hottie in a firemen outfit

Side B Comment

Sarah Forester - 7/12/08 @ 12:17 AM:
i think they are both great talent but i love, love kelly especially her last cd that they never played on the radio..

Side B Comment

cutie122403 - 7/10/08 @ 11:52 PM:
I think they are both beautiful.

Side B Comment

gonzo - 6/29/08 @ 3:07 PM:
Uh so here's the thing uh I'm a guy that likes really loud music and niether fits that so I'm going with Kelly, and this was a total scientific process, but going with her because she's got a nice butt.
The Boss - 7/1/08 @ 7:31 PM: Ally | Side B
Thank God you are not a scientist. lmao

Side B Comment

cutie122403 - 6/29/08 @ 2:52 PM:
I love both of them but I love Kelly's personality and I think she is so down to earth. They are both really good singers.
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