Brown Nosing Kiss Ass

Rivalry Side A | Other | Humor

Outspoken Loud Mouth

Rivalry Side B | Other | Humor

Lets be honest here; you're one or the other. When it comes to work are you the kiss ass or the loud mouth?


Posted by in Other / Humor on 10/20/08

Side A fans: (2)

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Side B Comment

Ripi - 1/26/09 @ 7:45 PM:
I would never be a Kiss Ass. I am definetely (not able to spell) out-spoken. The trouble with me is..I'm not out-spoken to the right people.. I !#&$# and carry on to an empty room sometimes..

Consider this a confession rather than an opinion.

Side B Comment

Jeff - 12/26/08 @ 8:55 PM:
Im really neither but I been know to go off at work lol

Side B Comment

cutie122403 - 11/13/08 @ 5:56 PM:
Being quite gets you nowhere!

Side B Comment

b.baker - 11/2/08 @ 3:43 PM:
Is there a middle ground here? I'm definately not opionated or a loud mouth but I am not someone who kisses ass. I did that for 28 years and I dont want to do that anymore. HAHAHA

Side B Comment

cutie122403 - 10/26/08 @ 11:39 PM:
I do not believe in brown nosing. If you are good enough at what you do you should not have to do this. I am definitely not into brown nosing. I used to somewhat keep my opinions to myself but did that for so long so now I speak my mind. It doesn't do you any justice to keep your mouth shut.

Side B Comment

mama kaz - 10/20/08 @ 9:20 PM:
I'm definitely the outspoken loudmouth. The secret is to do such a good job at work that you can get away with shooting your mouth off. It always worked for me. I detest kiss asses.

Side B Comment

The Boss - 10/20/08 @ 8:05 PM:
Of course there has been times I should have put my foot in my mouth but you know what, I'm opinionated and I'm usually right. lol
cutie122403 - 10/26/08 @ 11:36 PM: Ally | Side B
Oh my gosh, haha. Listen at you!
The Boss - 12/18/08 @ 8:21 AM: Ally | Side B
Do you not agree honey? lol
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