You do realize that the only real purpose of "boobs" was to use them for breastfeeding. If your children are repulsed or upset by that then you have obviously raised them to be as silly as you are. Europe is way ahead of us on family friendly issues such as breastfeeding. They provide breastfeeding areas almost everywhere.
you can call me what you want but i know what my priorities are and i dont want to have to see someone whipping out a boobie at the local eatery. I also dont want to have to explain why the baby is sucking the ladies breast to my kids.
local eatery? lol. I can understand why you wouldn't want to see a woman breastfeeding in public. It personally would not bother me but I myself would be more respectful and nurse in the nursing room. This is why they need to be available. I went to the mall the other day and had to feed the baby so I went into the bathroom and they had a little area for nursing. I was thinking to myself "Ok, here I am nursing my baby having to listen to toilets flush, women gossip and washing there hands". I feel like I am doing such a wonderful thing for my baby that I should have somewhere nice, quite, and clean to nurse if I am out and about. Maybe I expect too much. Also, most respectful women will nurse to where you can't see anything.
Re-examine their priorities? I didn't think there were any greater priorities than the health of your child seeing that Breastfeeding is the very best thing for them. I'm not talking gas stations, tire shops, etc. If you go to the mall, any kind of department store, hospital, etc., they should have to provide nursing rooms. Mom's that nurse give up a lot of their time, energy, and are SO dedicated just to provide the very best for their babies.
Wow, I'm really surprised that I'm the only individual who thinks it's ridiculous to expect a PRIVATE company to provide a room for breastfeeding mothers. I own a private business and if it had a public office I would be a bit irritated if someone told me I had to add a room so someone could breastfeed.
You're not alone bud. It IS ridiculous. I have no problem with mothers breastfeeding in public. Those that do should re-examine their priorities in life.
Although I voted for nursing areas I also understand it is not realistic to have them everywhere. I spent a lot of time covered up with a blanket nursing my kids. I also sat out in the car a lot. I remember a few times having a family restroom to sit in but that was usually at department stores.=)
I understand its part of being a parent but Ive seen people in public areas whipping out their breast to start feeding. Thats so rude I think. I think they should make better facilities for this kind of thing. But the family bathroom is starting to become more and more common around here in California.
Yes, they most definitely should. Nursing in public isn't as accepted as bottle feeding and thats just not right. Nursing moms should get more credit than they do and should be more accommodated. My husband and I went out to eat the other day and we had to cut it short because the baby got hungry and unless I wanted to go sit in a bathroom near a toilet there was no where for me to nurse her. Not everyone wants to nurse in public especially when you have a waiter and not a waitress. Also where you work should have to provide a nice, clean, private place to nurse. There are support groups for breastfeeding but I believe it stops there.