Anyone who mistreats a child has lost his/her right to be on this planet. I definitely say execute them, but let's bring back something less humane than lethal injection! It would not be unfair, in my opinion, for the parents of the child to kill him/her any way they please.
IF someone commits a horrible crime against children or something similar they should suffer for a long time. How do they suffer and pay for their crime if they are put to death ? I think that is the easy way out. At the same time, should they be found innocent by new evidence, they would still be alive rather than dead.
With the DNA testing available today the likelihood of someone being wrongfully tried is minimal and to be honest I am not crazy about my tax dollars keeping these animals alive.
They should be punished the same way they committed there crime. I wouldn't even give them a chance. They would be taken away from this earth on that very same day. I wouldn't let them sit on death row for years and years.
If you kill people, especially children, then you have no regard for life. Therefore, your life should not be considered anymore worthwhile than the lives of those you murdered. The death penalty should be used more often to make room for other people who should not be on the streets.
lets just start pickin off people that cant function in society in general. what do you think. ok all joking aside i really think the death penalty is a joke they should start killing them faster. it would help those of us that actually pay our taxed a but load of money and it could go to do something like edamikate our children how to spoked. ha.
Life behind bars. Of course, he'd never make it to court... I do not believe in the death penalty due to the fact that there is no way to apply it fairly. Our justice system is so flawed that there have been hundreds of persons executed in this country who turn out to be innocent.
I can\'t argue the fact that some innocent individuals have been put to death but I believe the advancement in DNA testing has made the prosecution of the innocent much more rare. I am also not a fan of paying thousands of dollars each year to keep these low lifes fed. If it was my child, trust me, I\'d volunteer to pull the switch.