
Rivalry Side A | Other | Other

Guinea Pig

Rivalry Side B | Other | Other

Which would you rather have?


Posted by in Other / Other on 2/09/09

Side A fans: (4)

Neutral Fans: (0)

Side B Comment

DollyFan - 7/16/09 @ 8:15 PM:
I wouldn't have either one. Why have a rat in the house on purpose? Give me a cat!

Side A Comment

TattedAngel - 2/13/09 @ 1:24 PM:
LOL...You're nicer than I am...I wasn't so nice when I had to give up my mice...lol

Side B Comment

mama kaz - 2/12/09 @ 7:37 PM:
I have to go with the guinea pig because one of my kids had a hamster and it got loose and came up out of the shower drain looking like a drowned rat one night. Scared the crap out of me. I have no idea how it ended up in there but I heard the drain plate rattling as the hamster tried to lift it to get up into the shower. I made my husband get up and deal with it. We set it free outside...

Side A Comment

TattedAngel - 2/10/09 @ 11:04 PM:
I wanted to post a pic of Reece Cup (our other guinea pig), but it's hard to get a good pic of him. lol

Side A Comment

TattedAngel - 2/10/09 @ 11:03 PM:
I love hamsters, but they scare me. lol Both of these guys are our's, but you can see who is held and who is just has his pic taken as is. lol I never used to be scared of hamsters til one bit me and lil sucker wouldn't let go! lol Anyhow, I was supposed to be on the guinea pig side, but as Jeff said, he boo-boo'd. lol

Side B Comment

Jeff - 2/10/09 @ 11:03 PM:
Our hamsters name is Izzy and the Pigs name is Elvis lol

Side A Comment

cutie122403 - 2/9/09 @ 11:38 PM:
My brothers and I had four hamsters when I was growing up and loved them! We had a name for each one of them and everything.

Side B Comment

Jeff - 2/9/09 @ 6:43 PM:
I put myself on this side cause I messed up when I posted this for my wife,she like the Pig better.
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