Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Rivalry Side A | Entertainment | Movies


Rivalry Side B | Entertainment | Movies

Two old school sci-fi super hero teams. Both popular between the mid 1980s through the 1990s. Who's the better team?


Posted by in Entertainment / Movies on 3/22/09
Debate Leaders
  1. mama kaz (1 votes)
  1. cutie122403 (1 votes)
  1. J (1 votes)

Side A fans: (9)

Neutral Fans: (0)

Side A Comment

Trainwreck - 6/7/09 @ 12:48 AM:
"Ninja pizza!"
"Ninja pizza?"
"Pizza that vanashes quickly, without trace."

Side A Comment

*lil_smarty* - 4/22/09 @ 7:55 PM:
wow i love tmnt it ROX
Porow - 5/12/09 @ 12:15 AM: Ally | Side A
You go girl

Side B Comment

itzmynfosho - 4/11/09 @ 12:04 AM:
It's a no brainer for me... Ghostbuster's. It's connected to the 80's era and we all know that was the era to be a teenager in!!! Not to mention, it came out the year I graduated from High school so Ninja Turtles were a little young for my taste.

Side A Comment

cutie122403 - 3/26/09 @ 11:10 PM:
I loved both growing up but my Barbies used to play with my brother's Ninja Turtles. I hate to admit but I used to play with them also.
J - 4/2/09 @ 3:49 AM: Rival | Side B
Cutie, I hate to admit it but I played with the ninja turtles too and your barbies. lol. I loved the ghostbusters movies so I'd have to take thier side.
cutie122403 - 4/2/09 @ 8:05 PM: Ally | Side A
Haha, this is true. I miss those days.
Porow - 5/12/09 @ 12:13 AM: Ally | Side A
im sorry but i played with both along with str wars figurines! but im all for TMNT. i mean its so much more awesome!

Side B Comment

mama kaz - 3/23/09 @ 9:16 PM:
I have to go with the ghostbusters since I'm such a big fan of the dead people.
Porow - 5/13/09 @ 11:33 PM: Rival | Side A
why not join them?

Side B Comment

Jeff - 3/23/09 @ 7:42 PM:
Who you gonna call?
Porow - 5/12/09 @ 12:11 AM: Rival | Side A
yo mama. she'll save you. crybaby.

Side A Comment

Sarah Forester - 3/23/09 @ 4:53 PM:
I love, love, love me some ninja turtle! I tried watching ghostbusters the other day and i just could not. lol

Side A Comment

The Boss - 3/23/09 @ 3:48 PM:
For me this isn't even a close call. Michelangelo could whoop all of the Ghostbusters A$$es on his own. I loved the TMNT.

Side A Comment

AugTheCnqror - 3/23/09 @ 3:08 PM:
tough call, but it comes down to this....growing up i had tons of ninja turtle toys, and no ghostbuster toys.
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