
Rivalry Side A | Entertainment | Television

John and Kate plus 8

Rivalry Side B | Entertainment | Television

Who would you choose? Octomom or John & Kate kids


Posted by in Entertainment / Television on 3/01/09

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Side B Comment

*lil_smarty* - 4/25/09 @ 4:44 PM:
definatly john and kate+8

Side B Comment

J - 4/5/09 @ 11:13 PM:
I'm over octomoms face. She is still on every magazine for having 50 kids, who cares. I know someone that has 30 dogs you don't see them on a magazine, ok so it's the pound but it's the same thing!!

Side B Comment

Tomegun - 3/25/09 @ 12:29 PM:
Octomom has got to go!

Side B Comment

Sarah Forester - 3/23/09 @ 5:00 PM:
no contest! I love my John and Kate plus eight. They are soooooo much fun. They had sextuplets on accident as well. That Octomom is crazy!

Side B Comment

ioneill - 3/20/09 @ 8:28 PM:
Octomom freaks me out. I'm going with the other guys...

Side B Comment

TattedAngel - 3/7/09 @ 7:44 PM:
P.S. Octomom not having a father figure isn't an issue to me...there are a lot of single parents out there that do a wonderful job raising their kids. The problem is the 6 or whatever it is she already has, and the 8 she's pregnant with now. It is sad for the kids, not because there's no father figure, not because she didn't get pregnant the traditional ways, but because she's a selfish, brainless twit that don't need to have one child, let alone over a dozen!

Side B Comment

TattedAngel - 3/7/09 @ 7:40 PM:
Ocotomom is enough to make me spit fire! PHEW! A) she wants publicity obviously. B) she only has the babies to increase her welfare. I'm sorry, I don't believe people on welfare should set out to have babies...especially fertility treatments that even most "normal" people can't afford! Yet she some how pulls the money off a tree or something. I'm not saying anything against somebody that got laid ff or has actually TRIED to get a job and can't and they apply for welfare until they get on their feet. However, milking the system angers me like folks would not believe! I also picked John and Kate cuz I think they are just a great family from what I've seen. I don't watch the show, but, I catch bits of i every now and then and it's awesome! Like was also mentioned already, they can self-support!

Side B Comment

mama kaz - 3/4/09 @ 10:48 PM:
I would definitely choose John and Kate for anybody's kids. I am amazed at their parenting skills and how well they manage the problems that come up in the course of their days. From what I've seen, Octomom was looking for fame and fortune, not for a brood of kids to love and adore. The only bright spot in all of this is that those babies will end up being adopted by loving parents eventually. I just shudder to think what they may have to endure in the meantime. I had one child with health issues and a very supportive and helpful husband. It was exhausting. It's a given that at least some of those babies are going to have serious problems. This will need to see multiple doctors as well as speech, pt, and other ongoing therapy. How is she going to manage this while she's running all over the place trying to get her 5 minutes of fame. I don't know who's more pathetic, the doctor who made this possible, the people who are exploiting the situation, or Octomom herself.

Side A Comment

Dennis Plucinik - 3/3/09 @ 1:19 AM:
I just want to play the devil's advocate here - what is the question? "Who would you choose"... for what?

Side B Comment

MARV - 3/2/09 @ 7:52 PM:
a true traditional family, mom and dad, then the children. i feel sorry for octomom's kids, no dad.this gal is sick.

Side B Comment

AugTheCnqror - 3/2/09 @ 1:51 PM:
it's easy to pass judgement on others i feel for both families. and hope for the best
AugTheCnqror - 3/2/09 @ 1:57 PM: Ally | Side B
but octomom is in for a really hard road, and the only one who will suffer is the kids...shame on her
cutie122403 - 3/3/09 @ 11:32 PM: Ally | Side B
Have you seen her during an interview? She is completely brainless. Her own mother has nothing good to say about her.

Side B Comment

cutie122403 - 3/1/09 @ 11:04 PM:
Great rivalry by the way!
NaturallySwt - 3/1/09 @ 11:08 PM: Ally | Side B
Thanks. Octomom needs prayer, even though she claims she goes to church. John and Kate show is good.
cutie122403 - 3/1/09 @ 11:11 PM: Ally | Side B
Yes, I agree. I wonder what she has going on upstairs. She is a very sad person. I think she should give those kids to women that can't have children and badly want them. There are a lot of women out there that want so badly to be mother's and then you have these moms that have kids and don't want them.

Side B Comment

cutie122403 - 3/1/09 @ 11:03 PM:
I feel SO sorry for Octomom's children. Its very sad that someone can be as selfish as she is. I love John and Kate Plus 8. One of my favorite shows. I love the entire family.

Side B Comment

The Boss - 3/1/09 @ 3:06 PM:
I love John and Kate. A couple of big differences, their kids have two parents. Secondly, he makes enough money as a IT analyst (even without the show) to afford to raise eight kids.

Octomom is whacko and should be forced into having her tubes tied. She paid for this expensive fertility treatment with no father or source of income to provide for the kids. She makes me sick.
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