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Prepare for Military Intervention vs. Continue Sanctions/Humanitarian Aid

"Should we prepare for military intervention against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his regime or simply continue U.S. sanctions and humanitarian aid to civilian areas? "

4 comments | Posted in World / Conflicts by: on: 7/26/12

Rivalry Side A | World | Conflicts0 fans
Rivalry Side B | World | Conflicts6 fans

Tomas Lopez. Should he keep his job? vs. You're fired!!!

"Lifeguard Tomas Lopez was told "He's drowning! He's drowning!" He ran 1,500 feet beyond his company's designated "swim" boundary to save a man from drowning! His reward? He was promptly fired for violating policy issues. Right or wrong? "

4 comments | Posted in World / News by: on: 7/05/12

Rivalry Side A | World | News4 fans
Rivalry Side B | World | News0 fans

Keeping America safe? vs. Alienating America from its Allies

"With drone strikes killing both enemies and civilians, leaving Guantanamo Bay open, circumventing due process of law, and certain provisions of the AUMF left open for interpretation is Obama really watching out for American's safety? "

3 comments | Posted in World / Politics by: on: 6/25/12

Rivalry Side A | World | Politics2 fans
Rivalry Side B | World | Politics4 fans


Protestors Should Be Looking for Jobs vs. Better Results from Protesting

"For the last several weeks we’ve seen images and videos of the protestors who have occupied Wall Street, DC, San Francisco. Whether you agree with their message I have to ask; would they be better off spending their time looking for jobs? "

2 comments | Posted in World / News by: on: 10/21/11

Rivalry Side A | World | News4 fans
Rivalry Side B | World | News1 fan


Release the Death Pictures of OBL vs. Don’t Release Osama Bin Laden Picture

"Following many questionable actions taken by the US government following the assassination of Osama Bin Laden many are questioning if he is actually dead. Do you want them to release the death pictures of OBL? Remember Uday and Qusay? "

7 comments | Posted in World / Conflicts by: on: 5/04/11

Rivalry Side A | World | Conflicts8 fans
Rivalry Side B | World | Conflicts2 fans


Julian Assange is a Hero. Good Work! vs. Julian Assange is a Villain. Criminal

"Do you think Julian Assange is a Hero or villain? Is his leaks on wikileaks a heroic way of exposing government corruption or an unlawful abuse of classified information? "

4 comments | Posted in World / News by: on: 12/09/10

Rivalry Side A | World | News4 fans
Rivalry Side B | World | News2 fans


Fear and Wonder About Intentions vs. No Concerns of Muslims in Airports

"This rivalry was sparked by the Juan Williams controversy. As an individual what personal, internal reaction do you have when you see an obvious (dressed) Muslim in a airport(Post 9/11)? Speak your heart. Let’s have an honest discussion. "

11 comments | Posted in World / Conflicts by: on: 10/22/10

Rivalry Side A | World | Conflicts6 fans
Rivalry Side B | World | Conflicts2 fans


9/11 Was an Inside Job vs. 911 Was an Act of Terrorism

"Many people claim 9/11 was orchestrated by the US government and not an act of terrorism planned by Al-Qaeda. There are many arguments supporting the inside job theory but there validity is up for debate. What do you think happened? "

9 comments | Posted in World / Conflicts by: on: 9/11/10

Rivalry Side A | World | Conflicts2 fans
Rivalry Side B | World | Conflicts8 fans


Another World War is Very Likely vs. The World is Different – Peace Wins

"The world is a volatile place; North Korea attacking South Korea, Israel’s conflict with Palestine and likely conflict with Iran, worldwide economic dysfunction, Greece riots, etc... Will there be another World War in our lifetime? "

4 comments | Posted in World / Conflicts by: on: 6/23/10

Rivalry Side A | World | Conflicts10 fans
Rivalry Side B | World | Conflicts2 fans


Obama is a U. S. citizen. vs. Obama is not a U. S. citizen.

"When Obama entered college he was given a scholarship for foreign students. If he were born in Hawaii, why would he be considered a foreigner? "

13 comments | Posted in World / Leaders by: on: 6/02/10

Rivalry Side A | World | Leaders11 fans
Rivalry Side B | World | Leaders2 fans


This is America. Land of the Free vs. Horrible Decision By the Parents

"Abby Sunderland, a sixteen year old who wanted to be the youngest person to sail around the world is awaiting rescue in the Indian Ocean after a storm damaged her boat. Was letting he attempt this reckless or is this still America? "

9 comments | Posted in World / News by: on: 6/11/10

Rivalry Side A | World | News3 fans
Rivalry Side B | World | News4 fans


Nuclear Weapons-Get rid of them!! vs. Nuclear Weapons-A Necessary Evil

"Of all that man has accomplished with nuclear science what do we have to show for? Less dependence on oil? Sustainable energy? NO. Mankind's crowning achievement... ...the ability to destroy it! "

12 comments | Posted in World / Politics by: on: 5/18/10

Rivalry Side A | World | Politics3 fans
Rivalry Side B | World | Politics8 fans